Selected Texts & Press

Regarding The Gaze

Catalogue Essay by Melinda Rackham: ‘Counter Histories’ exhibition by Chris Aerfeldt & Chelsea Lehmann at Praxis Artspace, 2021


There is an implied wonder, almost a sense of romance to the gaze. As we look with steady intent, fixing our eyes with studious attention, eager to see, anticipating surprise. But when does a gaze shift from gentle admiration to a scrutiny that causes discomfort; to a glare that stares you down; or an ogle that becomes a lascivious leer?

La Pintora Australian Chris Aerfeldt Presenta Dijous Al Muxart ‘The Heroine’s Journey’

Ajuntament de Martorell, 2018 (Catalan)


El Muxart Espai d’Art inaugura dijous, a les 20.00h, The Heroine’s Journey, una exposició d’obres hiperrealistes de gran format de la pintora Chris Aerfeldt. L’artista va començar a exposar als anys 90 i, actualment, és una de les creadores australianes més reconegudes en el panorama artstic…

Le Grand Manège de la Femme de Menage

Art Dans l’Air magazine, Anne Devailly, 2015 (français)


Il y a beaucoup de femmes, des ménagères dans les toiles de Chris Aerfeldt. Des femmes aux prises avec un quotidien terre-à-terre qu’elles parviennent à sublimer. Quand le plumeau prend des allures de baguette des fée…

Surréalisme et Féminisme en Clair-Obscur

Hérault Juridique, Virginie Moreau, 2016 (français)


Australienne d’origine, fille de migrants estoniens, Chris Aerfeldt s’est installée à Montpellier il y a quelques années avec son époux français…

Chris Aerfeldt

Artist Profile Magazine, Lisa Omagari, 2012


For contemporary artist Chris Aerfeldt painting is a compulsive way of dealing with the world. In her works women with physical oddities engage in popular acts, perhaps her way of exposing her favour towards the ‘unfashionable’…

Be Prepared

Solo exhibition Helen Gory Gallery at the Melbourne Art Fair 2012, Dr Ken Wach

Aerfeldt_Installation_Melbourne_Art_Fair_ Helen_Gory

Chris Aerfeldt’s compelling paintings strike a hidden chord - what you see is what you don’t get.  

Her paintings home in on the fake promises, the yearning, the anxious wait, the hidden desires and the surface rituals of daily life – it’s all there. 

Aerfeldt’s deftly handled paintings are tableaus of a type of underlying self-talk – a pictorial spill-out of everyday issues and earnest longings

Aerfeldt Painter

Artstate Magazine, Maureen Gordon, 2009

Aerfeldt Avalanche Knitter Wyer Gallery London 2008

“I’m interested in evoking a sense of time in my work - a blurred sense of time and consciousness, where the past and present merge and collide, where memory and the present moment combine.” Chris Aerfeldt

Aerfeldt wrote this about her Heav’n & Hell exhibition of 2004 - she was referring back into the past times of childhood. In 2008 as I watched the artist working on new paintings for the Wyer Gallery I began to think that the same sentiment still prevailed, though with a different significance, perhaps a vaster sense of time, a more massive import…

Flying Visitation

Helen Gory Gallery, Catalogue Essay, Wendy Walker 2006


Working from her now characteristic digital manipulations of old master imagery and kitsch figurines or dolls, Aerfeldt paints with a consuming intensity and palette that resonates with rich colour…

Heav’n & Hell

Solo exhibition, Helen Gory Galerie, Essay Edward Colless, 2004

Aerfeldt Wanda and Wilhelm get up to childish tricks in the dark 213 x 137 cm, oil on linen, 2004.jpg

Nothing happens in heaven. Heaven is beyond any narrative,beyond any scene. An annulling transcendence of all the strife and the pleasure and pain of history, heaven is the end of the story. In hell, on the other hand, everything happens. Its punishments are the spectacular repetition - infinite in scale, but infinitely repeated in the one undying moment - of all our excesses. Hell is too much of a good thing.